Class FcastModel
box_cox_applied logical value indicating whether the Box-Cox transformation was applied (default F)
considerBoxCox(fcast, fcast_bc) selects the best forecasts between those where the Box-Cox transformation is used and those, where it is not used; sets thre result by using super$setFcasted
analyseResiduals(df) analyses the residuals with the given degree of freedom value
considerBootstrap(fcast, fcast_bc) generates forecast intervals from bootstrapped residuals when super$areResidualsNotNormal() & !super$areResidualsNotRandom()
; takes into account whether the Box-Cox transformation was beneficial to use or not
executeUseModel(fcast, fcast_bc) calls the forecast function with training set obtained by calling super$getMergedTrainTestSet()
; applies the Box-Cox transformation when self$isBoxCoxApplied() == TRUE
isBoxCoxApplied() returns private attribute box_cox_applied
setBoxCoxApplied(logical_value) assings the logical_value
to private attribute box_cox_applied