In this guide, the existing data that are included with the package are put into use. This means working with vulnerability entries from CVE-2011 to CVE-2016 as of 7 October 2017. The data have been preprocessed by nvdr::get_nvd_entries and are accessible through nvdr::nvd.

Prepare the Time Series

A new CWE object c is created. Then the method setBaseData() without arguments sets the preprocessed data to be the value of the CWE object’s private attribute base_data. The method setTimeSeriesData takes a time series ts object and sets that to be the value of the CWE object’s private attribute time_series_data.

The time series data is prepared by the method getInterestingMonthlyData which selects a subset of CWEs based on three different criteria (see the documentation of class CWE).

c <- CWE$new()

Prepare the Forecasting Object

A new CVSSForecaster object cf is created. The previously created CWE object c is used as an input that defines the CWE names, the time series and time period that cf can use.

cf <- CVSSForecaster$new()

Generate Forecasts

Make the cf object to generate forecasts of 13 different types of models as setBenchmark chooses the benchmark model after comparing the accuracy of 4 different benchmark models and setTBATS can give BATS or TBATS models as output. Executing all the following commands takes multiple minutes. Creating Bagged ETS, ARIMA and NNAR models is time-consuming (see “Performance”).

cf$setARIMA(stepwise = F, approximation = F)
cf$setNNAR(pi_simulation = T)

Once the process is finished, the results can be analysed. The results will not be the same after every run as some model creation (bagged ETS and neural network models) include randomness during the results creation process.

Initial Steps with the Results

For each CWE, the best models which have the best overall forecast accuracy results (MAE, RMSE, MAPE, MASE) can be found. The error measures are calculated on the test set.


The best model objects can be saved in cf object.


Now, the best model objects can be retrieved as a list. This is useful later.


Also, all the created models can be retrieved as a list. For example to retrieve all selected benchmark models, the following command should be executed.


The lists of specific types of models also provide an opportunity to access specific CWE. For example, if it is known that CWE-119 is in the list, then its object can be retrieved.


Storing the Results for Later Use

At this point in time, it is useful to save CWE object c and CVSSForecaster object cf to an .rda file in order to use them later. The command


will show the working directory, where the resulting file will be saved. The following command saves the two objects into a file called “2016.rda”.

save(cf, c, file = "2016.rda")

In order to load the objects from the file into a new R session with an empty environment, the following command should be executed. It makes the saved CWE object c and CVSSForecaster object cf appear in the environment.



The best models list can be plotted. For additional information, forecast::plot.forecast can be read. Point forecasts for 2016 are represented by blue lines. Actual values of 2016 as red lines are added to the plots.


The results from some specific type of available model can be plotted as well.


A Closer Look

The results from some specific type of available model for a specific avalable CWE can be plotted.


As presented before, cf$getBestAssessments() enabled to find the best model for each CWE. Given that an ETS(A,N,N) model was chosen for CWE-119, one can examine it further.

Observe its plot.


Different details could be revealed by accessing the object’s forecasts and using the summary function.

> summary(cf$getETS("CWE-119")$getFcasted())

Forecast method: ETS(A,N,N)

Model Information:

 forecast::ets(y = train, lambda = super$findLambda(train), biasadj = T) 

  Box-Cox transformation: lambda= -0.739 

  Smoothing parameters:
    alpha = 0.2138 

  Initial states:
    l = 1.074 

  sigma:  0.0149

      AIC      AICc       BIC 
-253.0855 -252.6569 -246.8025 

Error measures:
                      ME      RMSE       MAE       MPE     MAPE      MASE        ACF1
Training set -0.05281217 0.5416452 0.4264229 -1.068501 5.465742 0.5984883 -0.01617852

         Point Forecast    Lo 80    Hi 80    Lo 95    Hi 95
Jan 2016       7.918037 7.242279 8.635749 6.937559 9.084684
Feb 2016       7.919510 7.228802 8.654115 6.918447 9.115394
Mar 2016       7.920983 7.215658 8.672150 6.899837 9.145614
Apr 2016       7.922455 7.202827 8.689874 6.881696 9.175378
May 2016       7.923928 7.190290 8.707307 6.863997 9.204713
Jun 2016       7.925401 7.178029 8.724466 6.846713 9.233646
Jul 2016       7.926874 7.166030 8.741365 6.829822 9.262199
Aug 2016       7.928346 7.154278 8.758020 6.813300 9.290395
Sep 2016       7.929819 7.142760 8.774442 6.797131 9.318253
Oct 2016       7.931292 7.131465 8.790644 6.781294 9.345790
Nov 2016       7.932765 7.120382 8.806637 6.765774 9.373024
Dec 2016       7.934237 7.109500 8.822431 6.750556 9.399968

When the object’s plot did not have an exclamation mark as part of its y-axis label, then it gives an indication that the model’s residuals were satisfying the assumtptions. It can be checked.

> cf$getETS("CWE-119")$areResidualsNotRandom() 
> cf$getETS("CWE-119")$areResidualsNotNormal()

The NVDModel, CVSSForecaster, FitModel and FcastModel documentation gives introduces some other useful methods which can be called using a model object or a list of model objects. For example cf$getETS("CWE-59")$isBootstrapNotUsed(), cf$getETS("CWE-59")$getAssessment(), cf$getAllAssessments(), cf$getBenchmark("CWE-20")$isBoxCoxApplied().

Sometimes ACF-plots must be examined. This could be done with the help of the forecast package:

forecast::checkresiduals(cf$getNNAR("CWE-79")$getFcasted(), plot = T)

The Unseen Future

The best models’ training and test data can be merged into new training data for forecasts of the unknown future of 12 months. For each CWE the method useBest uses the type of model that were chosen as the best for 2016 to generate forecasts for 2017 with the new training set.

list_of_unseen_future_forecasts <- cf$useBest(12)

The used best models’ new forecasts can be plotted

cf$plotUseBest(list_of_unseen_future_forecasts, row_no = 5, col_no = 2)

It could be useful to store these results as well for later use.

save(list_of_unseen_future_forecasts, file = "2017basedon2016withnewtestset.rda")

Assuming that some time has gone past and the previously unseen 2017 has taken place. A new CWE object c2 can be created containing time series test data. It is assumed that up-to-date XML files from have been downloaded to the working directory. It is assumed that the prefviously created CVSSForecaster object cfis also loaded into the environment. Based on the CWEs of cf, the necessary 2017 time series data with actual monthly mean CVSS scores are extracted.

c2 <- CWE$new()

One can now find out the forecast accuracy for the forecasts in list_of_unseen_future_forecasts

cf$assessUseBest(list_of_unseen_future_forecasts, c2$getTimeSeriesData())

Plots with the actual values can be generated

cf$assessUseBest(list_of_unseen_future_forecasts, c2$getTimeSeriesData())
cf$plotUseBest(list_of_unseen_future_forecasts, row_no = 5, col_no = 2, actual = c2$getTimeSeriesData())

The new CWE object c2 can be later modified and used in the same way for 2017 as CWE object c as used for 2016.

## CVSSForecaster object cf2 for 2017
cf2 <- CVSSForecaster$new()
## ... build models, assess models, find best, analyse best, use best for unseen 2018

The unseen future list is a list of lists, where each list has two elements: CWE ID and the “forecast” object. In order to analyse that more closely, the following commands could be used. Sometimes it might be useful to keep the previously used CVSSForecaster object in memory as well to check whether forecast intervals were previously generated from bootstrapped residuals (useBest puts into use the best models; if these were using bootstrapped forecast intervals, then the forecast intervals by useBest method execution are using this techinque as well).

## Extract the first object's "forecast" object
u1 <- list_of_unseen_future_forecasts[[1]]$future

## Plot with ggplot2

## Check that the mean of residuals is close to zero

## Check the summary

## Perform the Shapiro-Wilk test and get the p-value

## Check whether the residuals are independently distributed (set plot = T if Ljung-Box or Breusch-Godfrey is not preformed to check the ACF plot)
forecast::checkresiduals(u1, plot = F)

## Let's assume that the best model type was ARIMA. Check whether previously forecast intervals were generated from bootstrapped residuals (if yes, then they are generated from bootstrapped residuals now as well)

## Observe the training set

## When Box-Cox transformation is applied, sometimes the lambda is available this way
## ... or that way
## ... sometimes it is necessary to recalculate it to find out what the lambda was